Disposable Directable Stylet is highly preferred
option in the field of nasal or oral intubation as these allow
manipulation of shape of stylet during intubation which is not so possible
amongst other stylets available in the market. The change in curvature
also makes these more maneuverable in processes where tube needs to be
guided in trachea in the right place. Finding suitability for both nasal
as well as oral intubation, we can make these available in red rubber as
well as in disposable E/T tubes of 7.5 mm I.D. & above. Further, we
also ensure that these match up to the design and construction finish
standards as followed internationally. The option offered under this
category includes Dr. Talwalkar's Directable Stylet.
Dr. Talwalkar's Directable Stylets offered by us find
suitability for nasal or oral intubation especially at times where the
tube is present inside the patient and needs to be guided in trachea in
right appointed place. The curvature change achievable in Dr. Talwalkars
Directable Stylet make these more preferred in comparison to other stylets
available in the market which do not allow users to manipulate shape of
stylet during intubation. We can offer these in finish forms including in
red rubber and disposable E/T tube forms of 7.5 mm I.D. & above.